Meet Clotilda Cornel

Clotilda Cornel
Clotilda was born on the 18th of December, 1995. She is in the 8th grade class of Rhotia Primary School in Rhotia, Tanzania.
Her father's name is Cornel, and her mother's name is Honorina. Clotilda has 2 brothers. Michael is 10 yrs old. He is in grade 2. Joseph is 8 yrs old.
Clotilda has 2 sisters. Dorthea is 12 yrs old, and she is grade 6 at Rhotia primary school. Brigita is 5 yrs old.
They all live with their parents in a home about 1.5 km from Rhotia Primary School.
The family earns its income from a farm of about 2 hectacres (about 5 acres), where they grow maize, beans and peageon nuts. They get about 4 bags of maize, 3 bags of peageon nuts and 1bag of beans. They use all this for food and sell some for other expenses. The parents are not able to pay school fees and other expenses, so sometimes they get help from the government or relatives.
Clotilida is not doing very well at school so she dropped out, but she would like to be a tailor. For fun she likes to play netball.
She would like to take the computer class because she wants to learn about other people and what they do. Her sponsor is Luc Arsenault.